16 septembre 2007


Paris le 20 mars 2006

To: Tim Ewing

Once again, thank you for the suggestions. I shall look into these organisations and business.


Laurent Pauzé-Dupuis

To: Mme Robert (maitre de conférence, USA)


I am writing to you because I have a simple question regarding the “fiche de lecture”. I am writing on the media. This topic has two books. I was wondering how I was to integrate my analysis of two books into a “fiche de lecture” type work. Should both of them be treaded in parallel form or should I divide the work into two different sections. It seems to me that both of these books in essence provide an inverse into editorial policy with a somewhat similar stance. But the perspectives from which these books were written, style and subject matter differ significantly at times. How should I go about writing this paper or these papers?

Thank you

Laurent avait pris l'habitude d'écrire d'abord ses courriels sur le même document Words; il faisait ensuite un copier/coller sur le compte POP de son choix: Hotmail, McGill ou Sciences Po pour les envoyer (Send).
Cette série E-MAILS se termine aujourd'hui.
Il lui est sûrement arriver d'écrire directement à partir du compte de son choix ou de répondre directement... Je n'en ai malheureusement aucune trace.
Trois jours plus tard, il part pour la Chine.