05 août 2007


Paris, mardi 7 mars 2006
To: Tim Ewing

Once again, thank you for the notes.

This semester appears to be heading towards a slow start. Cancelled classes and the aura of vacations still present in classes and corridors leave me with the impression that we are heading towards a rather slow beginning. In many ways I am thankful of this “lenteur”. It will give me the occasion to read through the printed copy of your class notes; give me more time to prepare for world MUN 2006 in Beijing; perhaps the best of all, it will enable me to carry out research for internships this coming summer.

As a senior student at McGill, heading towards the monumental task of writing my honours thesis next September, I intend to find a stimulating internship somewhere in Europe. France -from what I have come to grasp with so far- with its extended summer vacations, seems to offer little opportunities of stimulating work -with the sole exception of knowing the right people. Though I am following many leads at the current moment, it struck me that you might have an idea of people or business’, which may be seeking an intern for the summer. The reason I ask you before anybody else is because we share, in a way, a common caracteristic: we come from the anglo-saxon world but we are united to the French!

In the hopes of pursuing the path of intellectual and personal experience opening, I thank you for your great contributions to my experience at Sciences-po and personal development.

Best regards

Laurent Pauzé-Dupuis